Organization : Venolearn
About Us : Staying abreast of the technological developments is inevitable in today’s fast-paced world. Things change so rapidly that before you’re out of college most of what you learned become outdated. And therefore, the only way to survive in this highly competitive industry is to continuously upgrade and upskill yourself. With that object, venolearn was born. We essentially focus on giving freshers and professionals an edge over their peers, by providing them with the right kind of knowledge and experience so they’d have no difficulty in taking on the challenges and face the stiff competition of the professional world.
Position : Career Counselor
Education : Any Degree
Location : Bangalore
Experience : 6 Months - 1 year of experience in career counseling / counseling domain.
Experience in training institute will be an added advantage.
Fresh graduates who are interested in Sales/Marketing can also apply.
Email your resume to
About Us : Staying abreast of the technological developments is inevitable in today’s fast-paced world. Things change so rapidly that before you’re out of college most of what you learned become outdated. And therefore, the only way to survive in this highly competitive industry is to continuously upgrade and upskill yourself. With that object, venolearn was born. We essentially focus on giving freshers and professionals an edge over their peers, by providing them with the right kind of knowledge and experience so they’d have no difficulty in taking on the challenges and face the stiff competition of the professional world.
Position : Career Counselor
Education : Any Degree
Location : Bangalore
Experience : 6 Months - 1 year of experience in career counseling / counseling domain.
Experience in training institute will be an added advantage.
Fresh graduates who are interested in Sales/Marketing can also apply.
Email your resume to
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