provides Job information from various trusted sources like Leading Newspapers, Employment Newspaper, Government notifications, information provided in Company’s Career Websites, information provided placement consultancies. We post them in a simplified format which is easy for the job seeker to understand and decide whether to apply or not. We also notify the users about the jobs in real time to our users through email and on mobile through our Telegram channel. We think this is the most important as knowing the job information in time is most critical specially for fresh college pass outs and for walk ins.
We do not collect money from candidates in any form directly or indirectly. Also we do not collect money from employers for job posts.
While we take utmost care to provide accurate information, please do due diligence in researching employers by yourself before applying for or accepting an employment.
Disclaimer : We do not endorse or recommend employers , and a posting does not constitute an endorsement. We are not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions, , or any other aspect of employment without limitation. Candidates should be prudent and use common sense and caution when applying for accepting any position.
Good Luck with your job search and we wish you get your dream job sooner.
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